Satisfaction in de verkoop

Wanneer je de volgende eigenaar van ‘Satisfaction’ wil worden, kun je bellen of whatsappen met +596 696 53 48 72

Vraagprijs: € 120.000,-

Met trots en een traan zetten wij onze ‘Satisfaction’ te koop. Het schip heeft ons veilig de oceaan over gebracht en we hebben geen beter schip kunnen hebben voor onze zeilreis. Het schip is ontworpen en gebouwd voor snelle oceaan oversteken en tochten over de wereldzeeën. Deze, door de beroemde Doug Peterson ontworpen, ex-racer heeft zich meer dan fantastisch bewezen. Ze is snel, betrouwbaar en zeer comfortabel in ruige omstandigheden. 

Tijdens het zeilen.
We willen niet pochen, maar wij durven gerust te zeggen dat wij geen schip kennen wat beter zeilt dan de ‘Satisfaction’. Zeilen is elke keer weer een genot. Iedereen die ooit aan boord geweest is tijdens een zeiltocht, kan dit beamen. Het schip is snel en zeer comfortabel, ook in ruige omstandigheden. Gemiddelden van 7,5 knopen zijn normaal wanneer we de bijboot slepen. Uitschieters tot boven de tien knopen zijn geen uitzondering, ook niet wanneer we de bijboot slepen. 

Enkele cijfers tijdens onze zeilreis:

Hoogste gemeten 24 uurs gemiddelde op binnenwater: 8,2 knopen op het IJsselmeer, Nederland (196NM!).

Topsnelheid: 15,9 knopen in de Golf van Biskaje;

Hoogste gemeten 24 uurs gemiddelde: 9,3 knopen op de Atlantische Oceaan (224NM!);

Topsnelheid op binnenwater: 12,8 knopen op het IJsselmeer, Nederland;

Exterieur Walk-Through.
Bij aankomst met de dinghy stap je op het zwemplatform/sugarscoop. Hier is een buitendouche met warm en koud water en uiteraard een zwemladder. Het platform is laag genoeg om uit het water te klimmen zonder de ladder, waardoor per ongeluk in het water vallen niet meteen een levensbedreigende situatie wordt. Via een aantal in de romp gebouwde stapjes, betreed je de kuip. Je staat hier achter het titanium stuurwiel en kunt zowel de gasbun als de achterste bakskist bereiken. Wanneer je om het stuurwiel heen loopt, kom je in het hoofdgedeelte van de kuip. Hier bevind zich een tweede bakskist met daarin veel opslagruimte, de 6kVA generator en de Webasto diesel verwarming. Tijdens het zeilen zit je hier veilig in de diepe kuip en kun je alle zeilen bedienen. Voor anker kun je hier een tafel plaatsen. 

*wide angle photo
*wide angle photo

Vanuit de kuip stap je aan weerszijden van de boot op de gangboorden. Deze zijn breed en volledig omheint met een sterke zee-railing. In de gangboorden liggen twee carbon spinnaker bomen. Op de opbouw staan twee lieren voor de bediening van alle lopende wand, wat zich allemaal bij de mast bevind. De bijboot past tussen de lieren, onder de giek waardoor deze niet in de weg ligt wanneer aan boord gehesen. Voor de mast is een ruim flush voordek met een groot vluchtluik van de voorhut. Ook hier past de bijboot en zou eventueel een groter exemplaar passen. De kotterstag is wegneembaar. De ankerbak is vanaf het dek bereikbaar. Hier is een diepe ankerketting opslag, de ankerlier (2024) en lijnen en fender opslag. De Furler is verdiept geplaatst voor optimale zeilvoering van de fok. 

Interieur Walk-Through.
Vanuit de kuip betreed je de binnenruimte via 3 treden. Aan bakboord zijn twee deuren. De eerste leidt tot een twee persoons achterhut met staruimte, bankje en ruimte kastruimte. De tweede deur leid naar de natte cel met handbediend toilet, een vuilwatertank, een binnendouche met warm en koud water en wederom ruim voldoende kastruimte. 

*wide angle photo / overhead
*wide angle photo

Bij binnenkomst aan stuurboord is de navigatietafel met ingebouwd computerscherm. De tafel dient ook als dinette. Op deze plek bevind zich ook de schakelaars voor het 24 en 230 volt systeem en de benodigde navigatieapparatuur waaronder de marifoon uit 2022 (ICOM IC-M506). Het volledige elektrosysteem in vervangen in 2022. De accu’s zijn lood-carbon accu’s uit 2024. 

Midden in het schip bevind zich de kombuis met tweepits gasfornuis. Een zeer ruimte koelkast, veel kastruimte en bijzonder in een boot: het kookeiland met daarin drie wasbakken. De watertap is voorzien van warm en koud water. Onder het kookeiland staat de motor.

*wide angle photo
*wide angle photo

Verder naar voren zijn twee langsbanken van elk 2,1 meter, welke ook tot stabiele stormbedden omgevormd kunnen worden. Tussen de banken staat de doorgestoken mast. In en achter de banken is ongekend veel opslagruimte en onder de vloer bevinden zich zowel drie watertanks van elk ca. 350 liter en één dieseltank van 350 liter. Tussen de tanks bevind zich alle watertechniek, waaronder de hydrofoor en de 70 liter waterboiler. 

In het hoofdschot van de boot zijn twee deuren die naar de voorste hut leiden. Achter elke deur bevind zich een sta gedeelte en een hoge, ruimte kast. Het bed is extreem breed, namelijk 2,7 meter. Aan weerszijden van het bed is een dubbele kast en boekenplank. Aan het voeteneind is de waterdichte deur naar de crashbox. Deze hut is erg ruim, omdat het twee tweepersoons hutten waren. De hut kan zeer gemakkelijk terug verbouwd worden tot twee hutten met elk een bed van 2,35 meter breed. 

De mast is een Proctor van aluminium en deze is doorgestoken. De doorvaarthoogte is ca. 22 meter. Mast en tuigage voorzien van stalen frame. Het staande wand is voornamelijk uit 2013 en in 2022 professioneel nagekeken. De voorstag en kotterstag zijn in 2022 vernieuwd. Het lopende wand is in 2022 volledig vervangen door Dyneema, waarvan het meeste voorgewerkt Dyneema is. Het grootzeil is dik Dacron uit 2013 en is volledig nagekeken en gestikt in 2022. De fok en kotterfok zijn dik Dacron en nieuw geleverd in 2022. Er is een halfwinder met slurf aan boord. Deze is van een dikke spinnaker stof en in zeer goede staat. Eventueel zijn er nog een spinnaker en kevlar high-aspect fok bij de koop, maar deze liggen in Nederland in de opslag en vervoer is ten koste van de nieuwe eigenaar. 

De romp is gemaakt van een Kevlar Composiet sandwich constructie met een schuim kern. De romp is in zijn geheel afgebakken tot een super lichte en stijve constructie. De romp is in 2022 volledig geschilderd. Boven water is geschilderd in een dubbele laag AkzoNobel verfsysteem in rood en onderwater in een dubbele laag AkzoNobel harde antifouling voor snelvarende jachten. Het roerblad is carbon en ca. twee meter diep. De kiel een speciaal ontworpen wing kiel, waardoor de boot nauwelijks verleiert bij aan de windse koersen. De kiel is 2,35 meter diep, maar dankzij het ontwerp maximaal 2,6 meter bij een hellingshoek aan de wind. 

De motor is een 98 pk Cummins diesel. De motor is extreem sterk en gaat je zeker overleven. Doordat de motor laag en midden in het schip staat, is deze uitermate goed geplaatst voor de gewichtsverdeling en kan er gemakkelijk aan gesleuteld worden, omdat het kookeiland volledig weg kan scharnieren. De motor drijft een schroefas aan met een grote tweeblads schroef welke tijdens het zeilen in een vaan stand gezet kan worden. De kruissnelheid op de motor is ca 7-7,5 knopen met 1100 toeren. 

Technische informatie


Het bouwjaar van de Satisfaction. Wij zijn de derde eigenaar sinds toen.

12 ton

Het totale leeggewicht van Satisfaction. 8 ton hiervan zit in de kiel.

15,4 x 4 x 2,4 (lxbxd)

Veel schip voor het geld. De diepgang is niet problematisch zolang je niet op het binnenwater komt.

350 + 55 liter

De dieselvoorraad voor respectievelijk de motor en generator tanks.

3x 350 liter

De drinkwatervoorraad aan boord. Ruim voldoende voor een maand aan boord zonder vullen.

315 Ah op 24V

De batterijcapaciteit van onze Lood-Carbon batterijen uit 2024 (kwaliteit zit tussen Lithium en AGM).


Volledige refit inclusief verf, elektra en alle leidingwerk.

11500 NM

Onze mijlen sinds vertrek. Ga jij er meer maken?

Schoom niet meer informatie te vragen! We zullen alle vragen zo duidelijk mogelijk beantwoorden en indien gewenst ook videobellen voor een digitale bezichtiging. We staan open voor serieuze biedingen en bij serieuze interesse kunnen we je ook aan boord verwelkomen.

bron: pinterest

Meer informatie

We zijn momenteel in Saint Lucia in de West Indies, Caribische eilanden. Tenzij anders overeengekomen, zal dit de overdracht locatie zijn.


Rodney Bay, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia



+596 696 53 48 72 (WhatsApp en rechtstreeks bellen)

Volg ons via Instagram!

  • She is one of a kind. 
So beautiful. 
She glides through this world so masterfully. 
Can withstand so much. 
Our dear Satisfaction has given us love, beautiful memories, adventure, freedom and unique life experiences. She has helped us realise a dream life for which we are eternally grateful. 🥲 
We continue to enjoy her until someone special that appreciates her beauty comes along and chooses her. We look forward to that day and also to hearing of the amazing adventures she takes her new owner(s) on. 
Thank you Satisfaction for all that you have done, continue to do and will do. We love you immeasurably. 💕🥹

#appreciation #appreciationpost #sailing #boatlife #sailinglife #boatforsale
  • Opinion: Wind vane self-steering is better than electric self-steering.

We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Life of Sailing blog
📸 Page 3: Hanse Yachts forum
📸 Page 4: Yachting Monthly magazine
📸 Page 6: Global Solo Challenge blog

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #wind #windvane #autopilot #selfsteering
  • 🥹🥹
  • There’s something so magical and special about sunsets 

#sunset #sunsetlover #goodvibes #summer
  • When you’re so consumed with being present that your camera roll doesn’t depict an accurate representation of how much you’re enjoying your time. 

🥂 to living in the present for amazing memories ✨

#being #present #inthemoment #summer
  • Hatches and companionway are shut. Fans are on. You’re under your covers about to watch season one of Love Is Blind UK. Well, one of you is. The other is on YouTube 🤣🤣

#rainyday #rainydays #boatlife #boat #sailinglife #hurricaneseason #rainyseason
  • Opinion: Steel is the best hull material for ocean-going vessels. 

Everybody has an opinion about the best hull material for boats. We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way.

📸 Page 1: @yacht_magazin 
📸 Page 3: unknown
📸 Page 4: @kmyachtbuilders 
📸 Page 6: @leonardo_yachts 

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion
  • A glimpse of what dinner looks like in our multicultural “home” 🍽️

💡FUN FACT: we normally cook enough for 2 nights. It’s time and cost efficient. 
We enjoy cooking onboard, except when in a rolly anchorage 😌

OTHER CRUISERS (VERTREKKERS) ⛵️🌎: What are some of your favourite dishes/foods to make on your boat? Which meal is your favourite?

Let us know if we should share more dinner shots (to provide inspiration) and if you would like some recipes as well! 🍽️🤤

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #dinner #boatlife #sailinglife #foodpost
  • 31.07.24 

This month presented lots of opportunities and surprises. It was a trying and rewarding month with lots of lessons and reminders. The biggest reminder being, “be grateful for what you have as nothing is promised”. We only have this moment, irrespective of our plans. Anything can happen. 


What was the most unexpected thing that happened for you this month? What was the biggest lesson/takeaway from this month for you? How will you make the best out of the opportunities (or challenges) from July moving forward?

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #sailinglife #photodump #gratitude #mindful #reflection #thoughts #lastdaysofsummer
  • Statement: Keelboats should be present at the Olympic Summer Games. 

For the last couple of editions of the Olympic Summer Games keelboats have not been participating. We are curious about your opinion wether this is a good or a bad thing. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Paris 2024 Organization
📸 Page 3: magazine
📸 Page 5: magazine
📸 Page 6: Public domain Finland

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #statement #whatdoyouthink #comment #paris #olympics #paris2024
  • From salty sailor with bad hair days to salty sailor with better hair 🥹

We are going to miss the amazing community we’ve become a part of where you stop by for a quick hello which then turns to lunch then a haircut 💇🏼‍♂️ 

Thanks @paradiso.sietzema 🤗

#haircut #newhaircut #sailor #boatlife #cruiselife
  • As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
She is one of a kind. 
So beautiful. 
She glides through this world so masterfully. 
Can withstand so much. 
Our dear Satisfaction has given us love, beautiful memories, adventure, freedom and unique life experiences. She has helped us realise a dream life for which we are eternally grateful. 🥲 
We continue to enjoy her until someone special that appreciates her beauty comes along and chooses her. We look forward to that day and also to hearing of the amazing adventures she takes her new owner(s) on. 
Thank you Satisfaction for all that you have done, continue to do and will do. We love you immeasurably. 💕🥹

#appreciation #appreciationpost #sailing #boatlife #sailinglife #boatforsale
She is one of a kind. 
So beautiful. 
She glides through this world so masterfully. 
Can withstand so much. 
Our dear Satisfaction has given us love, beautiful memories, adventure, freedom and unique life experiences. She has helped us realise a dream life for which we are eternally grateful. 🥲 
We continue to enjoy her until someone special that appreciates her beauty comes along and chooses her. We look forward to that day and also to hearing of the amazing adventures she takes her new owner(s) on. 
Thank you Satisfaction for all that you have done, continue to do and will do. We love you immeasurably. 💕🥹

#appreciation #appreciationpost #sailing #boatlife #sailinglife #boatforsale
She is one of a kind. 
So beautiful. 
She glides through this world so masterfully. 
Can withstand so much. 
Our dear Satisfaction has given us love, beautiful memories, adventure, freedom and unique life experiences. She has helped us realise a dream life for which we are eternally grateful. 🥲 
We continue to enjoy her until someone special that appreciates her beauty comes along and chooses her. We look forward to that day and also to hearing of the amazing adventures she takes her new owner(s) on. 
Thank you Satisfaction for all that you have done, continue to do and will do. We love you immeasurably. 💕🥹

#appreciation #appreciationpost #sailing #boatlife #sailinglife #boatforsale
She is one of a kind. So beautiful. Brilliant. She glides through this world so masterfully. Can withstand so much. Our dear Satisfaction has given us love, beautiful memories, adventure, freedom and unique life experiences. She has helped us realise a dream life for which we are eternally grateful. 🥲 We continue to enjoy her until someone special that appreciates her beauty comes along and chooses her. We look forward to that day and also to hearing of the amazing adventures she takes her new owner(s) on. Thank you Satisfaction for all that you have done, continue to do and will do. We love you immeasurably. 💕🥹 #appreciation #appreciationpost #sailing #boatlife #sailinglife #boatforsale
1 week ago
View on Instagram |
Opinion: Wind vane self-steering is better than electric self-steering.

We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Life of Sailing blog
📸 Page 3: Hanse Yachts forum
📸 Page 4: Yachting Monthly magazine
📸 Page 6: Global Solo Challenge blog

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #wind #windvane #autopilot #selfsteering
Opinion: Wind vane self-steering is better than electric self-steering.

We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Life of Sailing blog
📸 Page 3: Hanse Yachts forum
📸 Page 4: Yachting Monthly magazine
📸 Page 6: Global Solo Challenge blog

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #wind #windvane #autopilot #selfsteering
Opinion: Wind vane self-steering is better than electric self-steering.

We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Life of Sailing blog
📸 Page 3: Hanse Yachts forum
📸 Page 4: Yachting Monthly magazine
📸 Page 6: Global Solo Challenge blog

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #wind #windvane #autopilot #selfsteering
Opinion: Wind vane self-steering is better than electric self-steering.

We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Life of Sailing blog
📸 Page 3: Hanse Yachts forum
📸 Page 4: Yachting Monthly magazine
📸 Page 6: Global Solo Challenge blog

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #wind #windvane #autopilot #selfsteering
Opinion: Wind vane self-steering is better than electric self-steering.

We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Life of Sailing blog
📸 Page 3: Hanse Yachts forum
📸 Page 4: Yachting Monthly magazine
📸 Page 6: Global Solo Challenge blog

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #wind #windvane #autopilot #selfsteering
Opinion: Wind vane self-steering is better than electric self-steering.

We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Life of Sailing blog
📸 Page 3: Hanse Yachts forum
📸 Page 4: Yachting Monthly magazine
📸 Page 6: Global Solo Challenge blog

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #wind #windvane #autopilot #selfsteering
Opinion: Wind vane self-steering is better than electric self-steering.

We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Life of Sailing blog
📸 Page 3: Hanse Yachts forum
📸 Page 4: Yachting Monthly magazine
📸 Page 6: Global Solo Challenge blog

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #wind #windvane #autopilot #selfsteering
Opinion: Wind vane self-steering is better than electric self-steering. Description: We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 📸 Page 1: Life of Sailing blog 📸 Page 3: Hanse Yachts forum 📸 Page 4: Yachting Monthly magazine 📸 Page 6: Global Solo Challenge blog #sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #wind #windvane #autopilot #selfsteering
2 weken ago
View on Instagram |
2 weken ago
View on Instagram |
There’s something so magical and special about sunsets #sunset #sunsetlover #goodvibes #summer
2 weken ago
View on Instagram |
When you’re so consumed with being present that your camera roll doesn’t depict an accurate representation of how much you’re enjoying your time. 

🥂 to living in the present for amazing memories ✨

#being #present #inthemoment #summer
When you’re so consumed with being present that your camera roll doesn’t depict an accurate representation of how much you’re enjoying your time. 

🥂 to living in the present for amazing memories ✨

#being #present #inthemoment #summer
When you’re so consumed with being present that your camera roll doesn’t depict an accurate representation of how much you’re enjoying your time. 

🥂 to living in the present for amazing memories ✨

#being #present #inthemoment #summer
When you’re so consumed with being present that your camera roll doesn’t depict an accurate representation of how much you’re enjoying your time. 

🥂 to living in the present for amazing memories ✨

#being #present #inthemoment #summer
When you’re so consumed with being present that your camera roll doesn’t depict an accurate representation of how much you’re enjoying your time. 

🥂 to living in the present for amazing memories ✨

#being #present #inthemoment #summer
When you’re so consumed with being present that your camera roll doesn’t depict an accurate representation of how much you’re enjoying your time. 

🥂 to living in the present for amazing memories ✨

#being #present #inthemoment #summer
When you’re so consumed with being present that your camera roll doesn’t depict an accurate representation of how much you’re enjoying your time. 

🥂 to living in the present for amazing memories ✨

#being #present #inthemoment #summer
When you’re so consumed with being present that your camera roll doesn’t depict an accurate representation of how much you’re enjoying your time. 

🥂 to living in the present for amazing memories ✨

#being #present #inthemoment #summer
When you’re so consumed with being present that your camera roll doesn’t depict an accurate representation of how much you’re enjoying your time. 

🥂 to living in the present for amazing memories ✨

#being #present #inthemoment #summer
When you’re so consumed with being present that your camera roll doesn’t depict an accurate representation of how much you’re enjoying your time. 🥂 to living in the present for amazing memories ✨ #being #present #inthemoment #summer
3 weken ago
View on Instagram |
Hatches and companionway are shut. Fans are on. You’re under your covers about to watch season one of Love Is Blind UK. Well, one of you is. The other is on YouTube 🤣🤣 #rainyday #rainydays #boatlife #boat #sailinglife #hurricaneseason #rainyseason
1 maand ago
View on Instagram |
Opinion: Steel is the best hull material for ocean-going vessels. 

Everybody has an opinion about the best hull material for boats. We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way.

📸 Page 1: @yacht_magazin 
📸 Page 3: unknown
📸 Page 4: @kmyachtbuilders 
📸 Page 6: @leonardo_yachts 

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion
Opinion: Steel is the best hull material for ocean-going vessels. 

Everybody has an opinion about the best hull material for boats. We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way.

📸 Page 1: @yacht_magazin 
📸 Page 3: unknown
📸 Page 4: @kmyachtbuilders 
📸 Page 6: @leonardo_yachts 

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion
Opinion: Steel is the best hull material for ocean-going vessels. 

Everybody has an opinion about the best hull material for boats. We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way.

📸 Page 1: @yacht_magazin 
📸 Page 3: unknown
📸 Page 4: @kmyachtbuilders 
📸 Page 6: @leonardo_yachts 

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion
Opinion: Steel is the best hull material for ocean-going vessels. 

Everybody has an opinion about the best hull material for boats. We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way.

📸 Page 1: @yacht_magazin 
📸 Page 3: unknown
📸 Page 4: @kmyachtbuilders 
📸 Page 6: @leonardo_yachts 

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion
Opinion: Steel is the best hull material for ocean-going vessels. 

Everybody has an opinion about the best hull material for boats. We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way.

📸 Page 1: @yacht_magazin 
📸 Page 3: unknown
📸 Page 4: @kmyachtbuilders 
📸 Page 6: @leonardo_yachts 

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion
Opinion: Steel is the best hull material for ocean-going vessels. 

Everybody has an opinion about the best hull material for boats. We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way.

📸 Page 1: @yacht_magazin 
📸 Page 3: unknown
📸 Page 4: @kmyachtbuilders 
📸 Page 6: @leonardo_yachts 

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion
Opinion: Steel is the best hull material for ocean-going vessels. 

Everybody has an opinion about the best hull material for boats. We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way.

📸 Page 1: @yacht_magazin 
📸 Page 3: unknown
📸 Page 4: @kmyachtbuilders 
📸 Page 6: @leonardo_yachts 

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion
Opinion: Steel is the best hull material for ocean-going vessels. Everybody has an opinion about the best hull material for boats. We are curious about your opinion wether this statement is correct. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 📸 Page 1: @yacht_magazin 📸 Page 3: unknown 📸 Page 4: @kmyachtbuilders 📸 Page 6: @leonardo_yachts #sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion
1 maand ago
View on Instagram |
A glimpse of what dinner looks like in our multicultural “home” 🍽️

💡FUN FACT: we normally cook enough for 2 nights. It’s time and cost efficient. 
We enjoy cooking onboard, except when in a rolly anchorage 😌

OTHER CRUISERS (VERTREKKERS) ⛵️🌎: What are some of your favourite dishes/foods to make on your boat? Which meal is your favourite?

Let us know if we should share more dinner shots (to provide inspiration) and if you would like some recipes as well! 🍽️🤤

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #dinner #boatlife #sailinglife #foodpost
A glimpse of what dinner looks like in our multicultural “home” 🍽️

💡FUN FACT: we normally cook enough for 2 nights. It’s time and cost efficient. 
We enjoy cooking onboard, except when in a rolly anchorage 😌

OTHER CRUISERS (VERTREKKERS) ⛵️🌎: What are some of your favourite dishes/foods to make on your boat? Which meal is your favourite?

Let us know if we should share more dinner shots (to provide inspiration) and if you would like some recipes as well! 🍽️🤤

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #dinner #boatlife #sailinglife #foodpost
A glimpse of what dinner looks like in our multicultural “home” 🍽️

💡FUN FACT: we normally cook enough for 2 nights. It’s time and cost efficient. 
We enjoy cooking onboard, except when in a rolly anchorage 😌

OTHER CRUISERS (VERTREKKERS) ⛵️🌎: What are some of your favourite dishes/foods to make on your boat? Which meal is your favourite?

Let us know if we should share more dinner shots (to provide inspiration) and if you would like some recipes as well! 🍽️🤤

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #dinner #boatlife #sailinglife #foodpost
A glimpse of what dinner looks like in our multicultural “home” 🍽️

💡FUN FACT: we normally cook enough for 2 nights. It’s time and cost efficient. 
We enjoy cooking onboard, except when in a rolly anchorage 😌

OTHER CRUISERS (VERTREKKERS) ⛵️🌎: What are some of your favourite dishes/foods to make on your boat? Which meal is your favourite?

Let us know if we should share more dinner shots (to provide inspiration) and if you would like some recipes as well! 🍽️🤤

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #dinner #boatlife #sailinglife #foodpost
A glimpse of what dinner looks like in our multicultural “home” 🍽️

💡FUN FACT: we normally cook enough for 2 nights. It’s time and cost efficient. 
We enjoy cooking onboard, except when in a rolly anchorage 😌

OTHER CRUISERS (VERTREKKERS) ⛵️🌎: What are some of your favourite dishes/foods to make on your boat? Which meal is your favourite?

Let us know if we should share more dinner shots (to provide inspiration) and if you would like some recipes as well! 🍽️🤤

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #dinner #boatlife #sailinglife #foodpost
A glimpse of what dinner looks like in our multicultural “home” 🍽️

💡FUN FACT: we normally cook enough for 2 nights. It’s time and cost efficient. 
We enjoy cooking onboard, except when in a rolly anchorage 😌

OTHER CRUISERS (VERTREKKERS) ⛵️🌎: What are some of your favourite dishes/foods to make on your boat? Which meal is your favourite?

Let us know if we should share more dinner shots (to provide inspiration) and if you would like some recipes as well! 🍽️🤤

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #dinner #boatlife #sailinglife #foodpost
A glimpse of what dinner looks like in our multicultural “home” 🍽️

💡FUN FACT: we normally cook enough for 2 nights. It’s time and cost efficient. 
We enjoy cooking onboard, except when in a rolly anchorage 😌

OTHER CRUISERS (VERTREKKERS) ⛵️🌎: What are some of your favourite dishes/foods to make on your boat? Which meal is your favourite?

Let us know if we should share more dinner shots (to provide inspiration) and if you would like some recipes as well! 🍽️🤤

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #dinner #boatlife #sailinglife #foodpost
A glimpse of what dinner looks like in our multicultural “home” 🍽️

💡FUN FACT: we normally cook enough for 2 nights. It’s time and cost efficient. 
We enjoy cooking onboard, except when in a rolly anchorage 😌

OTHER CRUISERS (VERTREKKERS) ⛵️🌎: What are some of your favourite dishes/foods to make on your boat? Which meal is your favourite?

Let us know if we should share more dinner shots (to provide inspiration) and if you would like some recipes as well! 🍽️🤤

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #dinner #boatlife #sailinglife #foodpost
A glimpse of what dinner looks like in our multicultural “home” 🍽️

💡FUN FACT: we normally cook enough for 2 nights. It’s time and cost efficient. 
We enjoy cooking onboard, except when in a rolly anchorage 😌

OTHER CRUISERS (VERTREKKERS) ⛵️🌎: What are some of your favourite dishes/foods to make on your boat? Which meal is your favourite?

Let us know if we should share more dinner shots (to provide inspiration) and if you would like some recipes as well! 🍽️🤤

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #dinner #boatlife #sailinglife #foodpost
A glimpse of what dinner looks like in our multicultural “home” 🍽️ 💡FUN FACT: we normally cook enough for 2 nights. It’s time and cost efficient. We enjoy cooking onboard, except when in a rolly anchorage 😌 OTHER CRUISERS (VERTREKKERS) ⛵️🌎: What are some of your favourite dishes/foods to make on your boat? Which meal is your favourite? Let us know if we should share more dinner shots (to provide inspiration) and if you would like some recipes as well! 🍽️🤤 #sailing #sailingsatisfaction #dinner #boatlife #sailinglife #foodpost
1 maand ago
View on Instagram |

This month presented lots of opportunities and surprises. It was a trying and rewarding month with lots of lessons and reminders. The biggest reminder being, “be grateful for what you have as nothing is promised”. We only have this moment, irrespective of our plans. Anything can happen. 


What was the most unexpected thing that happened for you this month? What was the biggest lesson/takeaway from this month for you? How will you make the best out of the opportunities (or challenges) from July moving forward?

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #sailinglife #photodump #gratitude #mindful #reflection #thoughts #lastdaysofsummer

This month presented lots of opportunities and surprises. It was a trying and rewarding month with lots of lessons and reminders. The biggest reminder being, “be grateful for what you have as nothing is promised”. We only have this moment, irrespective of our plans. Anything can happen. 


What was the most unexpected thing that happened for you this month? What was the biggest lesson/takeaway from this month for you? How will you make the best out of the opportunities (or challenges) from July moving forward?

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #sailinglife #photodump #gratitude #mindful #reflection #thoughts #lastdaysofsummer

This month presented lots of opportunities and surprises. It was a trying and rewarding month with lots of lessons and reminders. The biggest reminder being, “be grateful for what you have as nothing is promised”. We only have this moment, irrespective of our plans. Anything can happen. 


What was the most unexpected thing that happened for you this month? What was the biggest lesson/takeaway from this month for you? How will you make the best out of the opportunities (or challenges) from July moving forward?

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #sailinglife #photodump #gratitude #mindful #reflection #thoughts #lastdaysofsummer

This month presented lots of opportunities and surprises. It was a trying and rewarding month with lots of lessons and reminders. The biggest reminder being, “be grateful for what you have as nothing is promised”. We only have this moment, irrespective of our plans. Anything can happen. 


What was the most unexpected thing that happened for you this month? What was the biggest lesson/takeaway from this month for you? How will you make the best out of the opportunities (or challenges) from July moving forward?

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #sailinglife #photodump #gratitude #mindful #reflection #thoughts #lastdaysofsummer

This month presented lots of opportunities and surprises. It was a trying and rewarding month with lots of lessons and reminders. The biggest reminder being, “be grateful for what you have as nothing is promised”. We only have this moment, irrespective of our plans. Anything can happen. 


What was the most unexpected thing that happened for you this month? What was the biggest lesson/takeaway from this month for you? How will you make the best out of the opportunities (or challenges) from July moving forward?

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #sailinglife #photodump #gratitude #mindful #reflection #thoughts #lastdaysofsummer

This month presented lots of opportunities and surprises. It was a trying and rewarding month with lots of lessons and reminders. The biggest reminder being, “be grateful for what you have as nothing is promised”. We only have this moment, irrespective of our plans. Anything can happen. 


What was the most unexpected thing that happened for you this month? What was the biggest lesson/takeaway from this month for you? How will you make the best out of the opportunities (or challenges) from July moving forward?

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #sailinglife #photodump #gratitude #mindful #reflection #thoughts #lastdaysofsummer

This month presented lots of opportunities and surprises. It was a trying and rewarding month with lots of lessons and reminders. The biggest reminder being, “be grateful for what you have as nothing is promised”. We only have this moment, irrespective of our plans. Anything can happen. 


What was the most unexpected thing that happened for you this month? What was the biggest lesson/takeaway from this month for you? How will you make the best out of the opportunities (or challenges) from July moving forward?

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #sailinglife #photodump #gratitude #mindful #reflection #thoughts #lastdaysofsummer

This month presented lots of opportunities and surprises. It was a trying and rewarding month with lots of lessons and reminders. The biggest reminder being, “be grateful for what you have as nothing is promised”. We only have this moment, irrespective of our plans. Anything can happen. 


What was the most unexpected thing that happened for you this month? What was the biggest lesson/takeaway from this month for you? How will you make the best out of the opportunities (or challenges) from July moving forward?

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #sailinglife #photodump #gratitude #mindful #reflection #thoughts #lastdaysofsummer

This month presented lots of opportunities and surprises. It was a trying and rewarding month with lots of lessons and reminders. The biggest reminder being, “be grateful for what you have as nothing is promised”. We only have this moment, irrespective of our plans. Anything can happen. 


What was the most unexpected thing that happened for you this month? What was the biggest lesson/takeaway from this month for you? How will you make the best out of the opportunities (or challenges) from July moving forward?

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #sailinglife #photodump #gratitude #mindful #reflection #thoughts #lastdaysofsummer

This month presented lots of opportunities and surprises. It was a trying and rewarding month with lots of lessons and reminders. The biggest reminder being, “be grateful for what you have as nothing is promised”. We only have this moment, irrespective of our plans. Anything can happen. 


What was the most unexpected thing that happened for you this month? What was the biggest lesson/takeaway from this month for you? How will you make the best out of the opportunities (or challenges) from July moving forward?

#sailing #sailingsatisfaction #sailinglife #photodump #gratitude #mindful #reflection #thoughts #lastdaysofsummer
31.07.24 _______ This month presented lots of opportunities and surprises. It was a trying and rewarding month with lots of lessons and reminders. The biggest reminder being, “be grateful for what you have as nothing is promised”. We only have this moment, irrespective of our plans. Anything can happen. ___________ What was the most unexpected thing that happened for you this month? What was the biggest lesson/takeaway from this month for you? How will you make the best out of the opportunities (or challenges) from July moving forward? #sailing #sailingsatisfaction #sailinglife #photodump #gratitude #mindful #reflection #thoughts #lastdaysofsummer
2 maanden ago
View on Instagram |
Statement: Keelboats should be present at the Olympic Summer Games. 

For the last couple of editions of the Olympic Summer Games keelboats have not been participating. We are curious about your opinion wether this is a good or a bad thing. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Paris 2024 Organization
📸 Page 3: magazine
📸 Page 5: magazine
📸 Page 6: Public domain Finland

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #statement #whatdoyouthink #comment #paris #olympics #paris2024
Statement: Keelboats should be present at the Olympic Summer Games. 

For the last couple of editions of the Olympic Summer Games keelboats have not been participating. We are curious about your opinion wether this is a good or a bad thing. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Paris 2024 Organization
📸 Page 3: magazine
📸 Page 5: magazine
📸 Page 6: Public domain Finland

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #statement #whatdoyouthink #comment #paris #olympics #paris2024
Statement: Keelboats should be present at the Olympic Summer Games. 

For the last couple of editions of the Olympic Summer Games keelboats have not been participating. We are curious about your opinion wether this is a good or a bad thing. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Paris 2024 Organization
📸 Page 3: magazine
📸 Page 5: magazine
📸 Page 6: Public domain Finland

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #statement #whatdoyouthink #comment #paris #olympics #paris2024
Statement: Keelboats should be present at the Olympic Summer Games. 

For the last couple of editions of the Olympic Summer Games keelboats have not been participating. We are curious about your opinion wether this is a good or a bad thing. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Paris 2024 Organization
📸 Page 3: magazine
📸 Page 5: magazine
📸 Page 6: Public domain Finland

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #statement #whatdoyouthink #comment #paris #olympics #paris2024
Statement: Keelboats should be present at the Olympic Summer Games. 

For the last couple of editions of the Olympic Summer Games keelboats have not been participating. We are curious about your opinion wether this is a good or a bad thing. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Paris 2024 Organization
📸 Page 3: magazine
📸 Page 5: magazine
📸 Page 6: Public domain Finland

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #statement #whatdoyouthink #comment #paris #olympics #paris2024
Statement: Keelboats should be present at the Olympic Summer Games. 

For the last couple of editions of the Olympic Summer Games keelboats have not been participating. We are curious about your opinion wether this is a good or a bad thing. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Paris 2024 Organization
📸 Page 3: magazine
📸 Page 5: magazine
📸 Page 6: Public domain Finland

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #statement #whatdoyouthink #comment #paris #olympics #paris2024
Statement: Keelboats should be present at the Olympic Summer Games. 

For the last couple of editions of the Olympic Summer Games keelboats have not been participating. We are curious about your opinion wether this is a good or a bad thing. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 

📸 Page 1: Paris 2024 Organization
📸 Page 3: magazine
📸 Page 5: magazine
📸 Page 6: Public domain Finland

#sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #statement #whatdoyouthink #comment #paris #olympics #paris2024
Statement: Keelboats should be present at the Olympic Summer Games. For the last couple of editions of the Olympic Summer Games keelboats have not been participating. We are curious about your opinion wether this is a good or a bad thing. Let us know in the comments what your opinion is and feel free to comment on other’s opinion, but please respect other’s opinion and comment that way. We will delete comments that don’t show respect, in any way. 📸 Page 1: Paris 2024 Organization 📸 Page 3: magazine 📸 Page 5: magazine 📸 Page 6: Public domain Finland #sailing #satisfaction #sailingsatisfaction #opinion #statement #whatdoyouthink #comment #paris #olympics #paris2024
2 maanden ago
View on Instagram |
From salty sailor with bad hair days to salty sailor with better hair 🥹

We are going to miss the amazing community we’ve become a part of where you stop by for a quick hello which then turns to lunch then a haircut 💇🏼‍♂️ 

Thanks @paradiso.sietzema 🤗

#haircut #newhaircut #sailor #boatlife #cruiselife
From salty sailor with bad hair days to salty sailor with better hair 🥹

We are going to miss the amazing community we’ve become a part of where you stop by for a quick hello which then turns to lunch then a haircut 💇🏼‍♂️ 

Thanks @paradiso.sietzema 🤗

#haircut #newhaircut #sailor #boatlife #cruiselife
From salty sailor with bad hair days to salty sailor with better hair 🥹

We are going to miss the amazing community we’ve become a part of where you stop by for a quick hello which then turns to lunch then a haircut 💇🏼‍♂️ 

Thanks @paradiso.sietzema 🤗

#haircut #newhaircut #sailor #boatlife #cruiselife
From salty sailor with bad hair days to salty sailor with better hair 🥹 We are going to miss the amazing community we’ve become a part of where you stop by for a quick hello which then turns to lunch then a haircut 💇🏼‍♂️ Thanks @paradiso.sietzema 🤗 #haircut #newhaircut #sailor #boatlife #cruiselife
2 maanden ago
View on Instagram |
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. 

Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime?

Length: 15.40m (51ft)
Width: 3.90m (12.8ft)
Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft)
Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft)

Boat Material: Kevlar composite 
Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel)

Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) 
Mast Material: Aluminium

Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024
Solar Panels: 350W 
Wind Generator: 450W 
6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank
Inverter: 1600W
24-volt and 230-volt systems 

Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal
💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total 
⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal

🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity

Radar: Raymarine 2009 
VHF: iCom 2022 
Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008
Autopilot: Raymarine 
Helm: Titanium steering wheel 
Full Refit: 2021/2022

🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins)
The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths
The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person

⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons.

Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. 

ASKING: €120,000.00

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️

#forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
As our incredible sailing journey comes to a close, we’re excited to pass the torch to the next lucky adventurer. Our floating home, built by the renowned Green Marine and designed by Doug Peterson, is now available! Originally crafted for racing, this 15.40m (51ft) beauty has been refitted for unparalleled live-in comfort, offering the perfect blend of performance and homeliness. Are you ready to embark on the journey of a lifetime? MEASUREMENTS 📏 Length: 15.40m (51ft) Width: 3.90m (12.8ft) Depth: 2.35m (7.71ft) Wing Keel Width: 2.06m (6.76ft) Boat Material: Kevlar composite Weight: 12,000kg/12 tonnes) (8,000kg/8 tonnes in keel) Mast Height: 22m (72.18ft) Mast Material: Aluminium ENERGY/POWER ⚡️🔋🔌 Battery: 300AH lead-carbon AG, lead carbon, installed April 2024 Solar Panels: 350W Wind Generator: 450W 6kVA Diesel Generator with 55L tank Inverter: 1600W 24-volt and 230-volt systems TANKS Boiler: 70L / 18.5 gal 💦 3 Water Tanks: 1050L / 277 gal total ⛽️ Diesel: 350L / 92 gal 🛜 Starlink for seamless connectivity Radar: Raymarine 2009 VHF: iCom 2022 Navigation Instruments: Simrad 2008 Autopilot: Raymarine Helm: Titanium steering wheel Full Refit: 2021/2022 🛏️ Cabins: 2 (Aft cabin sleeps 2, Front cabin sleeps 2 but can be converted back to 2 cabins) The 2 settees (2-1m long) in the saloon can sleep 1 person each as they can easily be converted into stable storm berths The pilot berth also sleeps 1 person ⚓️ Currently docked in the stunning Saint Lucia, this vessel left the Netherlands in 2022 and is ready for new horizons. Interested? Contact us with your best offer via DM or email! For more details and a gallery, visit our website. Virtual and physical showings can be arranged. ASKING: €120,000.00 Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a piece of sailing excellence! 🌅⚓️ #forsale #boat #boatsale #sailing #sailinglife #sailboat #custom #customboats #custombuilt #dougpeterson #raceboat #cruising #cruisinglife #sailtheworld #adventure #boatlovers #liveaboard #travel #vacation #vacationmode #caribbean
2 maanden ago
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